The web's sexiest surveys

Our surveys are designed to be completed in a few minutes, their sleek layout and instant reward keep your shoppers engaged. Pick from our selection, build your own or even just host - Stack is research customers want to complete.

Micro Surveys

Max insight, min effort

Designed specifically with ecommerce in mind, our short and sweet survey’s get straight to the point.

Set a cap on responses and pick your incentive to create research that meets your  budget.
Pick or build your own

Super surveys

Writing awesome research can be challenging so we've written 15 surveys to choose from to help you launch in a matter of minutes.

If you need to be more a little more specific or ask a really crunchy question, craft your own research in the StackLab. (Coming Soon)
Launch Multiple Packs

Gamifying research

Launching multiple surveys allows you to draw maximum insights from from a single engagement.

Keeping the surveys short, with an instant reward gamifies the participant experience driving stronger engagement and quicker responses.
Become a Host

Join the community

Leverage your customer-base and grow the Stack community.

Allow third party researchers to launch Packs on your site and get a cash reward every time one of your customers complete...oh, and get all of the halo benefits from discounting too. (Coming Soon)